COVID-19 Operations Written Report
Executive Order N-56-20, issued by Governor Newsom on April 22, 2020, empowers schools to focus on responding to COVID-19 and to provide transparency to their communities. The order requires LEAs to develop a written report to the community that explains how the Local Educational Agency (LEA) responded to school closures beginning in March 2020. The Order also requires the governing board of the LEA to adopt, during the same meeting at which the governing board adopts the annual budget due July 1, 2020, a written report to the community that explains the changes to program offerings that the LEA has made in response to school closures to address the COVID-19 emergency and the major impacts of such closures on students and families. The Report must detail how the LEA is meeting the needs of unduplicated pupils during the period of school closures and the steps taken by the LEA to support the following: delivery of high-quality distance learning opportunities; providing school meals in non-congregate settings; and arranging for supervision of students during ordinary school hours. School districts are required to submit the written report in conjunction with the submission of the adopted annual budget to the county office of education. School districts must post a copy of the written report on the homepage of their internet website.