Purchasing Policy
A Purchase Order (P.O.) properly numbered, signed and authorized by Business Services is the only document by which the District obligates itself to a vendor. Business Services is the only department authorized to sign and issue purchase orders.
Vendors are strongly advised not to provide materials or services to the District without first obtaining an authorized purchase order from Business Services. Purchases made in the name of the District without a written authorized purchase order may be considered a personal obligation of the individual and not an obligation of the District.
What does Keyes Union School District Purchase?
The needs of the Keyes Union School District are very diverse and include basic instructional materials, athletic supplies, furniture, audio/visual equipment, office supplies, computer hardware/software, maintenance supplies and equipment, custodial supplies, and
transportation supplies and equipment. Child Nutrition Services purchases food, food supplies, and food service equipment. The Maintenance, Operations and Transportation Department seeks contractors for school repair, renovation, construction, and other site improvements.
transportation supplies and equipment. Child Nutrition Services purchases food, food supplies, and food service equipment. The Maintenance, Operations and Transportation Department seeks contractors for school repair, renovation, construction, and other site improvements.
Vendor Contacts
The District urges vendors to deal directly with Business Services. Vendors are discouraged from making sales calls directly to school sites and with district personnel. The District maintains a competitive environment in its approach to purchasing and suggests that vendors first contact Business Services for direction and advice before making any sales presentations. This will save time and minimize confusion as to proper roles and authority in the District's procurement process.
Requirements for delivery are specified on the purchase order.
Change Order
The purchase order is the District’s contract with the vendor; therefore, any changes to the contract must be in writing and pre-authorized by the Business Services Department.
Billing, Invoicing, and Payments
Invoices should be mailed or e-mailed promptly after delivery to the following:
Keyes Union School District
Attn: Accounts Payable
4801 Lucinda Avenue
Keyes, CA 95328
[email protected] (preferred method)
Invoices should reference the appropriate purchase order number, otherwise payment will be delayed. Vendors can normally expect payment within 30 days of billing provided that proper purchasing procedures have been followed.
All school purchases are subject to state sales tax.
New Vendors
To be placed on the District's potential vendor list, a new vendor can register online by following the link above labeled "Potential Vendor Registration"
Please note that registering as a potential vendor does not guarantee a vendor will be notified every time a quotation or bid for that particular commodity or service is requested.
District Contact Information
We appreciate your interest in doing business with Keyes Union School District. We hope this guide has helped you to better understand our purchasing policies and procedures. Our aim is to promote a climate of good business relations and it is our desire to have you feel that each transaction has been satisfactorily concluded in a respectful, fair, and professional manner. If you need more information or have further questions, please contact us.
Could not find any faculty or staff.